Are you sliding down a bad path that you never thought you'd be on? Are you participating in things that you use to say you'd never participate in? Do you feel pulled into a lifestyle that you really know is no good for you but you don't know what to do about it?
Sometimes things seem "fun" at first, even though you know they are wrong and not good for you- don't let it get a hold of you, get out!
There is a way out. If you need help, you must admit it to yourself and do something about it. You also need to tell somebody.
Reach out for help and don't let things slide in a bad way one more second.
with help, You can make the changes! Make the radical changes neccessary to get your life back in line... with the Lord, with safety, sobriety, modesty, purity... Maybe this is the first time you've realized that you need help, today is the day to start and reach out for help. If you need guidance or prayer, you can contact me anytime.
Maybe you've never known the Lord Jesus…. …Now is the time to ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, ask Him into your heart and life...confess your sins and accept His forgiveness and redemption for your sins.
Ask for His help. He is your Lord and He will help you take the steps that you need to take. You are now a new creation in Christ Jesus, able to overcome temptations, addictions, receive healing and walk in wholeness and holiness.
It is important for you to read the Holy Bible, be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and follow the Lord in all that you do. He will help you.
It is also important to find other Holy Bible believing, compassionate Christians. please don't turn away If you have been hurt by Christians or the church or a pastor. please remember, that God is God, and people are people. Even Christians, churches and pastors fail.
Remember that God is always faithful even when people are not. God is righteous, holy, and faithful and God is love. Sometime, “church people” or “Christians” rub people to wrong way or seem to be hypocritical or disappointing. Remember, we are all human and make mistakes. We all need God to help us, guide us and set us in His ways.
Keep your focus on the Lord and remember that He is the helper and teacher above man.