is a christian, biblical, accountable, full gospel outreach ministry in jesus' name!
second to jesus christ who is lord of his holy church
tracie plungis is the ministry's ordained pastoral leadership
a short background to this current year summary, ordinations & full gospel ministry accountabilty information, including statments of mission, faith & code of biblical ethics...
certified social worker (CSW)
i have always had a heart full of compassion in action for others since i was a child. in high school i was involved in prevention drama skit outreaches, i graduated ocean county college, toms river, nj with an associates in social sciences (Social work) in 1991 and in 2002 i graduated stockton university, pomona, nj with a bachelors in social work. am a nj state certified social worker (NJ CSW) & today i am currently employed full time in social services, a biblical college student and pastor there is hope in jesus christ ministries.
prior to being called in the gift of pastor
prior to being called by the lord in the gift of pastor, the lord had me in christian biblical study and discipleship in the local christian church(es) as congregant. i have served as: an usher and also behind the scenes in hospitality, christian drama skit director, christian sunday school teacher, worship team singer and musician, evangelistic outreaches, healing ministry and prayer team, and small group and bible study leader...
i was called and spiritually ordained by the Lord audibly speaking the gift of "pastor" into the chambers of my heart in 2006 (1 samuel 3:10, Jeremiah 33:3, Acts 13:2, Ephesians 4.) The lord lead me through a season of prayer, intercession, fasting, worship, holy spirit impartation and deep study of his word: the holy bible...
the church of living water pastoral ordination:
in 2007 the lord lead me to the church of living water & school of biblical study in newark, delaware, usa. In 2007 i was ordained as a christian non-denominational, full gospel pastor (Exodus 28:41, acts 14:23, 1 Timothy 4:12-14) by the church of living water's pastor: john e. miller, SR. upon the passing of pastor miller and then also the passing of his son, the miller family chose to bring the ministry to a close in december 2014 & chose to fully end the pastoral ordinations because there would no longer be an accountability or ability to access to the pastor's profesor's resources, trainings & coures at the college ...
gospel alliance ministries (G.A.M.) &
Gospel Ministries & Churches International (G.M.C.I.)
...continued Pastoral Ordination and christian chaplain
The lord lead me to gospel alliance ministries in PHOENIX, arizona, usa. In PRIOR TO THE CHURCH OF LIVING WATER MINISTRY CLOSING IN 12/2014. because i was already ordained, i did not need to be re-ordaned as per gospel alliance ministry leadership. g.a. m. holds my credentials as A full gospel, NON-DENOMINATIONAL, chrisitan PASTOR and additionally as a full gospel, non-denominational chrisitan chaplain. the leadership of g.a. m. is Apostle, bishop gordon douglas. Bishop douglas, in addition to gospel alliance ministries (GAM), is also the pastor of christ's view church in PHOENIX arizona, is on the board of directors and a bishop with gospel ministers & churches international (GMCI) , and is one of the board member of love a child (missionaries), fort meyer, florida, usa. GMCI AND GAM ARE THE SAME MINISTRY FAMILY, GMCI BEING THE LARGER OF THE TWO. love a child and ames christian UNIVERSITY are in the same ministry family as well. during the annual CONFERENCE in arizona, fall of 2019 it was suggested that transition from gospel alliance ministry (g.a.m.) to become a part of gospel ministers & churches international (g.m.c.i.) who now holds my CREDENTIALS. apostle gordon douglas as well as several other apostles & pastors are the leadership of G.m.c.i. and are my apostolic spiritual covering, accountibility, fellowship, mentoring & prayer support.
christian biblical discipleship, studies and serving
ongoing decades of: concentrated individual study of the bible, christian biblical discipleship and gatherings with churches & ministries for biblicalservices, training, camp meetings & two biblical colleges.
As the Lord has lead: there is hope in jesus christ ministry has has served at gospel rescue missions preaching & assisting, in the homeless camps. for a season on International House of Prayer (IHOP eastern gate, NJ) on the ihop worship, prophetic & prayer teams additionally, with Eagles' wings, day to pray for the peace of jerusalem head prayer leader, watchmen on the wall & training prayer leader and annual prayer call event coordinator. There is much more, but these are some of the places the lord has lead there is hope in jesus christ ministry to in serving as a volunteer pastor.
As the lord is leading: there is hope in jesus christ ministry is currently serving as year round seasoned volunteer pastor on the national day of prayer staff as a ndp commissioned: prayer leader assigned to leading prayer weekly, ndp nj prayer shiled prayer team & ndp events annually.
As the lord is leading: I am currently (short summary): a graduate of jerusalem prophecy college, a matriculated master's degree student at ames christian university (info below) & Currently reading and teaching: studies with harvestime INTERNATIONAL network's institute english curriculum core COURSES through part of there is hope in jesus christ ministries' outreach. this ministry supports many, many other outreach ministries throughout the world in prayer & tithe & continues to go forth with the gospel message & discipleship in obedience to the biblical great commision. there is so much, much more to testimony about for god's glory... and much, much more to come as the lord continues to lead there is hope in jesus christ ministries.
christian biblical college & christian university
jerusalem prophecy college, jerusalem, israel
graduate: foundational & advanced biblical studies at jersualem prophecy college: a christian college in jerusalem, Israel. Usa office is in texas. This is a 2 -3 year average completion time that i completed whole heartedly & very part time in 4 years 09/2019 - 07/2023.
AMES Christian University, florida, usa
CURRENTLY A MATRICULATED MASTERS PROGRAM STUDENT AT ames christian university. CURRENTLY WORKING TO COMPLETE A MASTERS IN BIBLICAL TEACHING AND BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP. i am completing this whole heartedly & very part time. 01/2014 - current masters student
pastor tracie plungis adheres to as an ordained member of gospel alliance ministries (G.A.M. 2014 -2020) and gospel ministries and churches alliance (G.M.C.I. 2020 - current...) :
This web page was last edited & updated October 2019